Stephen Sulzberger’s Blog

May 7, 2007

Product suggestion

Filed under: Marketing — Stephen @ 2:41 pm

Hamburger hotdogs


I think this captures my sentiments fairly accurately:

Here is a simple idea for all you barbeqing fans, when you make your trip to the supermarket just buy hotdog rolls. Make your hamburgers the shape of a hotdog and your good to go.

Why you may ask……..

Because hotdogs come in packs of 10 and rolls in packs of 8. This is a marketing ploy so you never have the right ammout of rolls. Also the different shapes of hotdogs and hamburgers require that you buy 2 different shaped buns, I think this is yet another way to make money.

Also the hamburger will taste the same and has the added bonus of being easy to eat with the condiments and salad being more evenly distributed.

Alternativly, if only they made hamburger shaped hotdogs!

Read it here

Update: Ham Dogger Creates Unholy Hot Dog Shaped Hamburgers

I’m satisfied.



  1. Wouldn’t that be beef hotdogs? or sausages w/o seasoning?

    And correct me if I’m wrong, but… Isn’t an established C# and .net programmer like yourself with a poor opinion of PHP and *nix in general, doing himself an injustice posting on wordpress… Opensource, PHP?

    Comment by grillatwartime — May 29, 2008 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

  2. Haha no no, the codebase is more or less transparent (and irrelevant) to me for the time being. WordPress – as with most web services – has other practical virtues above and beyond any temperamental considerations of the back end.

    Comment by Stephen — May 31, 2008 @ 3:09 pm | Reply

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