Stephen Sulzberger’s Blog

January 6, 2008

Converting VB to C# (and vice versa)

Filed under: — Stephen @ 7:32 am

I’ve come across a ton of examples and tutorials both online and in print that insist on using and/or providing VB script and nothing more. This really isn’t a big deal considering makes it super easy to work with consolidated and (for the most part) commonly named directives, methods, and libraries. Even when you don’t have the benefit of common naming, syntax is usually easy to deal with (or, at least, manageable) on a read-only basis when the general flow/concept is made obvious by the context.

But let’s face it – VB just looks ugly. For cases where I have to stare at it for a long time, I like using the free tool at developer fusion to convert VB to C# (incidentally it also converts C# to VB). It’s not perfect, but handy. Probably one of the better convertors out there. 

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