Stephen Sulzberger’s Blog

April 4, 2008

Windows Media Player (wmp) not monitoring folders locally or over network (solution!)

Filed under: Media,Windows Media Player,Windows tips/tricks — Stephen @ 10:46 pm

One of the more prominent reasons I use Windows Media Player is for its seemingly unique monitor folders tool. After recently moving all of my media onto a centralized location on my network, I was hoping this feature would continue to work seamlessly, i.e. keep ‘monitoring folders’ for file updates, removals, or whatever. Long behold, after adding the network share to the associated ‘locations to monitor’ list, a wmp directory scan found all of the media files and iterated through each and every one of them without actually adding anything to the library. Weird.

After a few days of craziness, I finally ran into a solution at:

Essentially the fix entails declaratively removing the “system” attribute from your media files since, apparently, wmp doesn’t like adding file/attribute pairs like that into its monitor routine (although you can add them to the library manually). In my case I’m not sure how the attribute ever got there to begin with (it definitely wasn’t there originally), but I suspect it had something to do with me transferring files through a device controller running linux/samba. 

I’m still on the fence as to whether or not this was a viable programming or business decision on wmp development’s part (I suppose one could contest to the fact that true ‘system’ files need not be monitored), but nevertheless there are loads of people having issues with this.

For more info on modifying the system attribute, visit:

December 21, 2007

Batch file: automatic ipconfig release and renew

Filed under: Batch files,Windows tips/tricks — Stephen @ 3:04 pm

Handy for wireless network cards/connections that drop out.

@echo off
ipconfig /release
echo The IP address has been released. Waiting to renew…
ipconfig /renew
echo The IP address has been renewed

Save to a new text file and rename the extension to “.bat”. 

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